As an existing Countax owner, we don’t need to sell you on the quality and versatility of your machine. You have undoubtedly already found many uses for your tractor that extends past simply cutting grass. As winter approaches, there are still many jobs to do in the garden and your Countax will be there to help. Here are just five ways that your tractor can be useful in the darker months of the year. We would love to hear of any other ways that you use your Countax. Please email us at with your suggestions.

Disperse worm casts
Helpful little earthworm friends are busily aerating our lawn – vital work to keep our grass healthy. However, from September through to around April, we may notice worm casts on the surface of the lawn. Worm casts are effectively worm poo and although they are pretty inoffensive (basically made up of soil), they can be a little unsightly. They can be quickly and efficiently cleared using your Countax. Set the PGC height so that the brushes are only just kissing the surface of the ground then slowly work your way up and down the lawn. The sweeper brushes will disperse the worm casts and leave your lawn worm poo free.

Mulching leaves
Autumn leaves make for a wonderful mulch on the compost heap but can take a long time to decompose. Many Countax owners will use their tractor’s sweeper to collect up leaves from their lawn. However, by setting the cutter deck to a higher level and switching it on, you can also mulch mow the leaves before collection. This will speed up the composting process and also take up less room.

A ‘go anywhere’ garden tractor
The Countax B Series features on-demand four-wheel-drive. Many customers opt to have their machines fitted with high-grip chevron tyres and will remove the cutter deck in the winter months for greater clearance. This turns the Countax into a very capable vehicle in muddy and rough terrain. Of course, a Countax is not as fast as a dedicated ATV, but this setup is perfect when you want to drive through a paddock, copse or rough area of your estate without getting your feet stuck in the mud.

The gardening workhorse
Towing a trailer or dump truck behind the tractor is the best way for transporting tools to a worksite and, of course, moving clippings and organic debris back to the compost heap. When towing a trailer, it is always good practice to be aware of your surroundings. Don’t overload the trailer.
You should also make sure that the load is safe in regards to the type of surface you are driving over – grass, especially when wet, will be slippery.
Another point to consider is the weather conditions – wet and icy conditions will require considerable more care and attention. Do consult your tractor user manual for further information regarding operating your tractor in adverse weather conditions.

Spreading salt on a driveway and paths
The broadcast spreader attachment is invaluable in winter months. It is a very fast and easy way to salt the hard surfaces on your estate and prevent ice and snow from ruining someone’s day.