“Why I wish I had bought a Countax garden tractor earlier”

Scott Donald, a lawn care enthusiast, talks to us about why he eventually purchased a Countax mower and why he wishes he’d bought one earlier, in the latest edition of the Countax blog.

“So why did I decide to choose a Countax machine? It’s simple really. I wanted to be able to collect wet grass clippings and create the perfect striped lawn finish. I live in the north of the UK and we get a lot of rain.

Having tried 3 other makes of lawn tractor I decided to purchase a Countax C60 machine with the optional Powered Grass Collector (PGC). I bought a second-hand machine which was less than a year old with extremely low hours and at a good price.

Scott Donald's Countax C60 garden tractor

This season has been one of mainly cutting wet and thick grass due to the typical British weather conditions of sun and a lot of rain. Having spent many hours previously trying to cut wet lawns to no avail, I was skeptical this machine would make my working day any easier. How wrong I was! Cutting grass is now a pleasure; knowing regardless of how wet the grass is I can still cut it. I know that my Countax fitted with the powered grass collector will always create a fantastic finish; not only at cutting the grass but collecting it and leaving a finish that looks professional.

I’m one of those people who likes to cut a lawn and be able to leave stripes as I cut. This used to be time consuming as I had to cut the lawn then go over it again with a separate roller, to get the finish I desired. Not only did this take awhile but it also meant I needed to remove my collector, so I was able to attach the roller. No longer is this the case! I can now cut the lawn quickly and efficiently and the striping is done simultaneously. What a result!

Not only has the machine impressed me, but other people have also commented on the finish it leaves.

All in all, I would say is a Countax garden tractor is the best purchase I have made for lawn care and if you’re looking for a machine that leaves an exceptional finish, this is the mowing solution you need!”

Scott Donald C60 garden tractor cutting grass

Scott Donald's Countax C60 garden tractor in action

To find out more about the C60 garden tractor click here or visit your local Countax dealer.